Monday 15 June 2015


Number of Learners: 24

Age of Learners: 14 - 15

Level of Learners: Intermediate

Duration: 25 minutes

Subject: Technology Fair

Skills: Speaking, listening, writing

Materials: Handouts, pictures, realias

Aim: By the end of the lesson, learners will have learnt how to express their reasons for doing something and their suggestions for how to do something. They develop the ability to express themselves and exchange information in target language.

Possible Problems:
The learners may have difficulty in understanding the instructions given by the teacher.
Some of the learners may feel shy and never give answers in target language.
There may be too much noise in groups.
The learners may switch to L1.
The learners may have difficulty with pronunciation.

Possible Solutions:
The teacher attract the learners on topic by using interesting materials.
The teacher should be alert and monitor the learners.
The teacher may correct them in a tactful way.


To prepare the learners to the lesson.
To interest the learners into the topic.
To make the learners be ready for the topic.
To activate the learners’ schemata.

Skills: Speaking, listening

Materials: Pictures

Duration: 4 minutes

Procedure: After greeting the learners, the teacher hangs some posters on the board. They are all about “Technology Fair” which is the speaking topic. He wants the learners to look at the posters and tell him what they see. They talk about the posters so that the learners can guess what the speaking topic is about. Then the teacher asks the learners some questions about the posters. The learners are supposed to express their ideas. After the last question the teacher moves on to the speaking activity.


To help the learners speak in a given context.
To get the learners to ask questions and get answers with information gap activities. 
To help the learners develop their accuracy and fluency in speaking.
To make the learners think independently without the teacher's control.

Skills:  Speaking, listening, writing

Materials: Pictures, handouts

Duration: 17 minutes

Procedure: The teacher gives some pictures to every learner. He wants the learners to be groups of four. Four learners who have the same pictures will make a group. According to the teacher’s instructions, they will form their groups. After grouping, he starts to instruct about the activity and the realias which include six different technological devices. The learners listen to the teacher and follow his instructions.

In each group, each learner will say his/her idea and they try to find appropriate introductions for the given devices. The teacher asks them to find some creative slogans in order to be chosen as the best. They share it and present their ideas with the class by giving reasons. They will defend them and try to be the best in the class. Then, whole class try to choose the best device with the help of the learners’ instructions.

Before the activity, the teacher elicits which grammar points they can use while introducing themselves. After that, he gives some phrases which are useful for discussion to make easier it for the learners. He writes some key sentences to help them use in their conversations.

The teacher gives enough time to the learners to think and to take notes. During the activity the teacher monitors the learners. So, he walks around the groups and listen to them while they are talking. He takes some notes about the pronunciation when he monitors the learners during the activity.  So, the Learners will see their mistakes in pronunciation and try to fix them.


To develop the learners’ writing skills.
To make the learners think independently and creatively.
To provide the learners to express their opinions.
To give the learners an opportunity to share their ideas with their classmates.
To improve the learners’ critical thinking and their imaginations.

Skills: Speaking, writing

Materials: Pictures, handouts

Duration: 4 minutes

Procedure: The teacher wants the learners work in the same group. He wants them to make a poster about their devices for the technology fair.

Homework: The teacher asks them to make a search on the internet about the technology fairs and he wants them to write interesting points of the fairs and read them to their friends for the next lesson.

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